Delhi Detective Saga: Love amidst Mystery: Part 3

Continued from Part 2

Naina had grievances only against Sanam, who appeared to be helplessly under the influence of drugs.
They never met after that incident. Someone told Naina that the girl, Daisy had started living with Sanam without marriage.
It took almost two years and a therapy for Naina to come back to normal life.
This morning when the editor told her that Mr S. Chowdhury had been murdered in his farmhouse, Sanam’s name didn’t occur to her.
Tears rolled down her cheeks. Sanam was the man whom she was deeply in love with at one point of life. Today, his lifeless body was lying in front of her and she couldn’t even express her sorrow. She knew that he was a forgotten chapter but somewhere in her heart, she wished him well.

The next day, Naina woke up rejuvenated. Tears washed away her agony giving way to new thoughts. She was confident that she could be of great help in the murder case. After some time, she was riding her bike through the main gate of the millionaire’s farmhouse.

“Welcome ma’am! Kabir sir told me not to stop you from coming inside. Please forgive me if I did something wrong.” The constable apologised for his behaviour.

Naina ignored him. Her main objective was to find who killed Sanam.
“Hey Kabir, I need to talk to you about something important,” she said, coming to a stop in front of him.

“Could we have a chat?”

Detective Saga
Detective Saga

Kabir signalled his staff with a hand gesture and started walking with Naina. Both remained silent for some time.
“Kabir, Sanam was my boyfriend in college. We were pretty close to each other, but the passion died before it could take a meaningful direction.” It was Kabir’s turn to widen eyes. He had started liking Naina secretly but the twist in the tale was not in alignment with his emotions.

“Sanam started taking drugs, which ended our relationship. We never met after that but I have always been updated on his life somehow,” she continued without making eye contact with Kabir.
“I heard that a girl had made his life miserable. He used to beg her for the daily dose of drugs. He was a bright guy in college. One bad habit and his promising future went for a toss.”
Kabir was carefully considering each word spoken by Naina, lost in his fantasy.

“I didn’t know that Sanam was the businessman who was killed here. When I saw his body yesterday, I was shocked. Although Sanam is no longer with us, I hope his killer is brought to justice. I believe I can assist you in solving this case.”

Kabir gave a sarcastic smile, “Of course! Of course!! The two of you were very close to each other, which makes you one of the most important suspects. Will you mind answering some of my questions, ma’am?”

“That’s why I am here, Mr detective. I could have missed visiting today and opted to stay out of this chaos. But, I hope that justice will prevail. The culprit must be punished,” Naina was more impatient than him.

Kabir escorted Naina to the interrogation room where they engaged in arguments, queries, explanations, and mind-boggling discussions for two hours. Naina suspected Sanam’s live-in partner Daisy of giving him an overdose of prohibited drugs. When the victim’s sister reached, Kabir interrogated her. Daisy being the most suspected person, was nabbed from her home.

“Thanks, madam Naina for helping us find the murderer. The main objective of Daisy was to get Sanam’s money, so she planned to kill him with drugs.” Kabir felt obliged but his heart wanted to know something more than those apathetic things.

(Come back next week for the exciting Part-4 of Delhi Detective Saga)

This blog post is part of the blog challenge ‘Blogaberry Dazzle’
hosted by Cindy D’Silva and Noor Anand Chawla
in collaboration with Dr. Preeti Chauhan.

4 Comments Add yours

  1. You should submit this as a short story and let us, forgetful people, read the whole story in one place. I cannot wait so much!


  2. Samata says:

    Your chapters are coming up like episodes of a Thriller OTT Series and I am enjoying it completely. But I really wish it comes as an OTT to watch it a complete flow and dont need to wait to thin what next. Just loving it.


  3. Death is such a harsh yet real end. I look forward to knowing the killer. Kabir might turn the tables; you’ve raised the curiosity.


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