Why (Not)to Define Your Happiness

Everybody deserves to be happy. It is my opinion, I don’t expect yours to be different. Those who are regularly following my blog know how extensively I endorse ‘staying happy‘. It’s not something that’s found only in others’ kitty. Each and every person can be happy and get his share of happiness regardless of whatever condition he is in. You may cry over the sorry state of poor people who don’t get good food to eat and a decent place to live. I claim that even those people have their moments of happiness that could be more effective than a well-off person. Defining happiness becomes a tedious process once you understand the real meaning of the word.
I honestly admire when the rickshaw pullers, after a long day of hard work, cook and sing around the fire. The smile on their faces is adorable. We have great life lessons to learn from such instances. Can we really define happiness? I doubt.

What’s Your Happiness Quotient

Why (Not) to Define Your Happiness
Why (NOT) to Define Your Happiness

It is not guaranteed that a rich person is happier than a poor man. Money can be a source of happiness but we have to save ourselves from many vices it brings along. See, we expect money to bring happiness in our lives and it deprives us of the simple peaceful energy that’s needed to breathe easily. What’s more valuable than easy breathing and peaceful conversation with self?

Defining happiness is becoming more complex now

I think that after acquiring all the amenities in the world, I would be one of the happiest people around but that’s not the case. That means happiness lies somewhere else. I start finding it in my near and dear ones. I lose hope when they leave me for some reason. Hope lost translates to happiness lost. My quest to find the source of happiness doesn’t reach any conclusion. Shall I ever find the real definition of happiness!?

Happiness is a direction, not a place.         -Sydney J. Harris

I stop and ponder. Is it really necessary to confine happiness in a fixed definition? Break free from the shackles of confinement. Don’t. Just don’t define happiness as it can be found in each aspect of our existence. Life is beautiful. Celebrate your moments. Don’t wait to reach a specific goal to be happy. Simplifying the concept of happiness is the ultimate secret of life.

It is Happiness that matters in the end.

About me

37 Comments Add yours

  1. momi berlinberlin says:

    happiness is not a possession but that inner peace you have . that peace that helps not to stop from smiling and paying forward the same happiness

    Liked by 2 people

    1. aditi says:

      Very true ♥️


  2. mahekg says:

    Happiness is not in materialistic goods but something which gives your peace. Giving it a definition is surely difficult however like you suggested we cant confine it in words its the feeling which matters and how we take right steps.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. aditi says:

      Absolutely. Defining happiness means confining our lives to limited space. Though difficult, but it needs to be achieved:)


  3. Happiness is quite subjective.. I feel we should find happiness is everything and be grateful for whatever we have… Beautifully written post

    Liked by 2 people

    1. aditi says:

      True, thanks for reading:)


  4. Happiness cannot be measured and it means different things for different people. Thank you for writing this post.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. aditi says:

      Thanks for visiting:)


  5. Pragnya says:

    Happiness can’t be defined, it can’t be measured or stated in terms of material world. The peace within and deep roots are linked to happiness. A lovely post to read and ponder on.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. aditi says:

      Glad you liked it, Pragnya:)


  6. mummatalks says:

    I believe happiness is within oneself and u are the reason for your own happiness. I find happiness in my kids n family n love for books.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. aditi says:

      That’s so true, recognise your happiness but do not confine it in fixed definitions.


  7. Aesha says:

    This is so true. Happiness is in moments and not a destination. Wonderfully expressed.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. aditi says:

      Thank you Aesha:)

      Liked by 1 person

  8. The definition of happiness is different for every person. Some get it by being materialistic some look for inner peace and it’s subjective. Lovely post to read and reflect on.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. aditi says:

      But I refuse to define it;)

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Archana says:

    Very true Aditi, real happiness never resides in materialistic things, unfortunately people do not realize it on time. The secret of happiness is only and only in living moments rather than counting comforts.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. aditi says:

      And I count myself in those people:D
      Need to change a lot!


  10. romagptasinha says:

    You spoke my mind buddy. Like you, I too associate a lot of value to finding happiness in little joys of life. Loved your thoughts and could relate every bit.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. aditi says:

      Thanks Roma:)


  11. I infact read somewhere that money is the longest path to happiness! Keep spreading the positivety

    Liked by 3 people

  12. Dr. Surbhi Prapanna says:

    This is one of the awesome response to theme and I agree that it is not necessary to define the happiness . many people have a pre conceive notion that money is source of happiness..but it is not true. happiness is not always related to materialist things..it is much more than this..it is more about enjoying small moments of life with our dear ones. very well written post.

    Liked by 2 people

  13. aditi says:

    Thanks 😊


  14. aditi says:

    Yes Geethica, we were born to be happy but in the process of growing up, that charm gets lost somewhere.


  15. aditi says:

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts:)

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Ruchie says:

    It’s important to understand the real meaning of happiness and share the same with others!! Glad you wrote about this !!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. aditi says:

      Thanks for reading, Ruchi:)


  17. aditi says:

    Haha….yes, defining happiness doesn’t fulfil any purpose:)


  18. aditi says:

    Defining happiness means we are confining our happiness in boundaries.
    Thanks for reading:)


  19. aditi says:

    That’s the truth of life:)


  20. aditi says:

    True. If money is equal to happiness, the poor people are never happy!


  21. Swarnali says:

    Hi! I have read about happiness quotient in an article but in your post I discovered it in a new way. Yes it’s right, defining happiness is becoming harder day by day but we can define it in our own ways absolutely. Lovely post dear.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. aditi says:

      Thanks for reading, Swarnali:)

      Liked by 2 people

  22. da-AL says:

    so very true 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. aditi says:

      Thanks for stopping by ☺️

      Liked by 1 person

  23. aditi says:

    Happiness is an emotion that needs constant efforts and must be felt from within. Life is indeed beautiful, all we have to do is find our share of happiness, for me…books, nature, kids laughter, good food and many such small moments bring happiness 🙂


  24. aditi says:

    Happiness can’t be defined in just a mere few words, it can be a state of mind, a moment of bliss, or anything but it is different for everyone.


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